A whole story in a single shot

That's what I consider as the essence of photography. A photo can tell more than excellent writing. Beauty, emotion or a news event kept in a moment. Upon which everyone constructs their own story, their own reality. Photography inspires and intrigues, but above all, it is fun to do and great to view.

Here you will find a selection of photos I have made. Without any pretentions. It's nothing more than a hobby that enables me to combine several interests like culture, history, sport and nature.

Enjoy !

UPDATE P H O T O G R A P H Y l Under construction
This section will change and expand with several new sets, based on my photographs at Flickr.


UPDATE P H O T O G R A P H Y l European cities
Coming soon


UPDATE P H O T O G R A P H Y l Tuscany
Coming soon


UPDATE P H O T O G R A P H Y l Cycling the Alpes
Coming soon


UPDATE P H O T O G R A P H Y l Bienvenidos a Mundo Maya
A special section of the Latino Americana travel reports is available, containing loads of high quality images taken from ancient ruins in the Maya region from their pre-columbian period. 

articles & editorials